Membership Fees


Our membership period runs for 12 months from when you join – this means you or your friends can now join us any time during the year for 12 months i.e.  If you join on 19th March 2023 your membership will expire on 19th March 2024.  You can pay by Cash or Internet banking.  Temporary memberships are to be paid in cash on first signing up.



Pay-as-you-go Annual Membership $35.00

This membership fee is paid upon joining the toy library.

In addition to the membership fee there is a small hire charge per toy each time you hire. Toy hire charges  start from $0.50 depending on the value of the toy. 



Prepay Annual Membership $110.00

This membership fee is paid upon joining the toy library. With this membership no toy hire charges apply. 



Temporary Membership $15.00

This membership fee is paid in cash upon joining the toy library.

There are toy hire charges on top of this membership fee but you are exempt from helping on Session Duty and Fundraising.

This membership enables you to use the library for 4 hires consecutively over a 3 month period.


 Grandparent membership

This type of membership is particularly suited to Grandparents who have visiting grandchildren from time to time. There are toy hire charges on top of this membership fee but you are exempt from helping on Session Duty and Fundraising. The cost is $10.00 and it allows members 4 hires consecutively over 1 year.






Members who join under a Pay-as-go or Prepay Membership must help on the Duty Roster (Thursday am, pm or Saturday am), approximately 3 hours a year. This will vary depending on the number of members available for duty.

Members are able to self select dates that suit their family by loggin into our database.  They receive an e-mail reminder a week prior to the duty date.  Members who do not choose their own dates are rostered in where we have gaps on the roster.

If you are unable to do duty on the day allocated, it is your responsibility to organise a replacement.  If you change your allocated day please inform our Librarian.

A $25.00 fine will be given to members who do not show up for their rostered duty.


Please note that you can elect out of participating in Toy Library Duty Help roster by paying a $60.00 Duty Exemption Fee.



Toy Allocation


You can hire a maximum of 6 toys at one time.


Hire is strictly on a fortnightly basis unless stipulated on some toys and there are no renewals




Missing Pieces


Missing pieces will incur a fine of $4.00 per missing/broken piece.  You have a grace period of 2 weeks to keep searching for the missing piece.  If the broken/missing piece renders the toy unusable, the toy will be treated as broken.  If the replacement cost for a missing piece is higher than $4.00 or is essential for the toy to be continued to be uesd, you will be charged the full toy replacement cost.




Overdue toys


Toys can only be hired for a two week period unless the toy is a month hire toy.  If items are not returned within one week of the due date you will be charged their normal rental price per week overdue.


Our aim is to make our toys available to as many children as possible.




Fundraising and Helping Out


Fundraising: Our annual fundraising raffle will be held during the 2nd or 3rd term of this year and full participation is required by all members (unless you have paid the fundraising exemption fee of $25.00)




Session Help: If you are participating in Toy Library Session Help (i.e. you did not pay the $60.00 Duty Exemption Fee) a Duty Roster will be emailed out to you informing you of when we next need your help.


You will need to do duty approximately four hours a year. Duties involve assisting the librarian help run the library during the session and pack up at the end. Once all the toys are packed away your duty is completed.




Stock Take: We end the year in the first week of December undertaking an annual stock take which gives us  the opportunity to clean all the toys, check them for quality and missing pieces, and review the quantity and suitability of the toys we hold in our library.


This is not compulsory, but every member who helps gets to pre-reserve a toy of their choice to hire over the summer break.




Summer Rentals


The Toy Library closes over the Christmas period from mid December until the end of January.    All members must pay for the hire of summer rental toys including Prepay Annual members.  The cost for hire will be for two weeks (or equivalent)